editorinfo type_class_number

.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORD); for see the dots (if the data is a number, it isn't choice che other class) ...

相關軟體 Eusing Maze Lock 下載

Eusing Maze Lock is a small, lightweight application that allows you to lock your screen and prevent other people from accessing your computer while you are away from it. Eusing Maze Lock uses a pa...

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  • I have read Android: Limiting EditText to numbers and How do I show the number keyboard on...
    android - How do I restrict my EditText input to numerical ...
  • .setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORD); for...
    android - Set inputType for an EditText? - Stack Overflow
  • (EditorInfo.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_MASK)可以是許多不同的值,包括: TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER TYP...
    Android EditText的設置 - 學步園 | IT技術社區
  • (EditorInfo.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_MASK)可以是许多不同的值,包括: TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER TYP...
    Android EditText的设置 - 智慧云端日记 - 博客园
  • Class Overview An EditorInfo describes several attributes of a text editing object that an...
    EditorInfo - Android SDK | Android Developers
  • public static final Creator<EditorInfo> CREATOR Used to make this class parcelable. ...
    EditorInfo | Android Developers
  • edit.setRawInputType(EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER) 只是设置输入法类型为数字类型,于是输入法面板会弹出数字面板.? 1 setIn...
    EditText--输入法 - CSDN博客
  • Constants int TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME Class for dates and times. int TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER Class f...
    InputType | Android Developers
  • The following are Jave code examples for showing how to use TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORD...
    Java Code Examples for android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo. ...
  • outAttrs.inputType = EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER return inputConnection} 3. Capturing key...
    Managing Keyboard on Webview – AndroidPub